The most amazing things from the transpersonal psychologist’s practice. Aleksandr Strannik
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СКАЧАТЬ I smile to myself.

      I chose the method of consecutive answers to the questions: «Which car is the person hidden in?» «In the left or in the right row?», «In which set of five cars?»

      Then I approached each car and saw the hindrances in ties with Cosmos and the Earth, making the assumption that if there is a person in the car, this interference will be detected, and so I will see it. I was wrong!

      When Safronov opened the trunk and there was no one there, I was shocked. I was absolutely sure that I had found a man…

      Perhaps I was hit by excessive fuss. Perhaps it was necessary to look for a different approach to solving this problem…

      The man in the trunk was in a black car next to the «Moskvich»! We must trust the first sensations! At this stage, we could not immediately see for ourselves whether there is a person in the trunk or not. Unfortunately, we were not shown what car he was in. I believe that this is also the correct approach of the organizers of the show.

      So, are the artists or not artists being filmed in the show? They exactly were not artists. I heard conversations in the park, in the hall, in the dressing room. All told how castings were held in the regions, how was their way there, where they stopped. The winners of the regional castings were called to the «Battle» in Moscow, paid for the way, paid for hotel accommodation, issued a temporary registration, were provided with a transfer from the hotel to the place of filming. Participants in the hotel lived next door, drinking tea together. This is all real.

      The «Screen» and «The Trunk» tests were brilliantly organized (I did not participate in others). There was a complete secrecy, no hints and at the same time, there was absolute benevolence of the organizers, their sincere desire to «find psychics.» Their sincere joy, when there is a result, when it turns out to be for real. One cannot figure these emotions. All participants were given the opportunity to show their abilities.

      The whole schools came there. They were so solemn. They handed out business cards. They told in which programs shown on TV they are filmed. However, they did not pass even the «Screen». I am sure that absolute majority of the participants are real. They were the people, whom no one gave hints, and who acted due to their abilities. There were rumors about the desire to buy a place in the final competition for huge money, and again, according to rumors, this was not possible.

      Working in the center of psychological assistance

      My friend Volodya suggested that I to work with the group «Magic on the Phone», which was located at the call center in which he worked at that time. I shrugged it off, at that time I was working for one small firm of my friend Evgeniy. There was no work at all, and the salary was paid – what else is needed. It was then that I shot my first clips from the office window. From the office window I «filmed» my first smoke. At that time I was treating Evgeniy’s father-in-law for the cancer of blood and bones, and his uncle from cancer of the throat. I was treating them every day and kept a diary. The results are in LJ.

      Half a year later, the little firm disappeared and I remembered the suggestion of Volodya.

      We went to the interview with Yuri Vladimirovich, he was in Moscow at that time. The interview was conducted by Sergey, a psychologist-tarologist. They took me right away. Sergey talked more with Yuri Vladimirovich about various practices and examples; they found, so to say, each other.

      – Sasha, don’t be afraid. I cleaned everything here, I closed you, I set up the defense, – Yuri Vladimirovich instructed me.

      By that time, I already had experience in health-related care: problems with head, pressure, stomach, arrhythmias, even with cancer. I helped my mom, sister and friends from distance. But before this I did not treat strangers. I had a period that my daughter eloquently called «catch up and help.» And here there were absolute strangers from different parts of our huge country. How to help them without knowing them?

      – This is no more difficult than personally, you just have to tune in to the voice,» Yuri Vladimirovich reassured me.

      The same was claimed by our Irina.

      So thanks to their good graces everything started.

      People often call to the «telephone assistance» with health problems, mainly with the spine troubles. This topic was already familiar to me, I repeatedly did this. Many questions turned out to be quite unexpected for me: «Is there any damage to me?», «When will I get married?», «Help me get a job.»

      – Does my husband have a mistress? – was one of the first unexpected questions.

      Usually tarologists and astrologers answered similar questions. And I at re-addressed them to my colleagues.

      – Answer yourself, just learn, you really can, – Sergey insisted, absolutely fairly.

      But, if you pledge, don’t hedge. How to find out, I thought, and whether it is necessary to say what is known was my next thought, especially if the probability of knowing is not 100%.

      I began to draw probability lines, watch the probability of events as a percentage. The technique itself is well proven. If the line stopped, then there is a hindrance. If this obstacle is removed, then you one get married or a job as quickly as possible. This is how the technique of help in such situations appeared, which is more important than simple predictions.

      – Strannik, take way the demon from me, – was another shocking request at the very beginning. I understand, the man is not kidding; there is pain and fear in his voice.

      – I cannot help you now, I cannot do this, – I answer.

      – In general, do the demons exist? – was an involuntary question to himself, then asked Irina and Yuri Vladimirovich

      – Yes, Sasha, these are such independent energy programs, it is still too early for you, – they answered. Then the grandmother asked to expel «demon» from her grandson.

      – My grandson is possessed with a demon, rushes under the cars, and sees the birds in the room. I believe that you can help us.

      This grandmother teased me for long time. She was quite young, with two higher educations, she was very worried about her grandson, persuaded me to start. When working with a boy, I applied our «plane», repeatedly dragged it through the boy’s figure, added the technique «Cross» and energy from the Source. Strangely enough, it turned out that the boy became calmer, didn’t rush under the cars anymore, he even did not see the birds in the room. This was my first «demon.»

      Then there was a guy with voices and visions, during the treatment process of whom I received a blow in the ear from the «demon». This was my second «demon».

      – Strannik, kick the demon out of me, – was another call from that man. – Help, I already visited many of them and they could not help. I am now in Moscow, I arrived especially for this. I believe you.

      I was waiting for his call, I wanted to try. This is how. It was. We met him in the underground that day. It was a huge, about two meters, heavyweight man. He wanted to make a prepayment, and I could not resist and immediately began to work, accompanied by the noise of the trains at the station. He immediately felt a relief. I will describe these examples below in detail.

      Then СКАЧАТЬ