The most amazing things from the transpersonal psychologist’s practice. Aleksandr Strannik
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СКАЧАТЬ HINDRANCES/OBSTACLES, for example, in relationships or on the way to a goal. Immediately – to seize the bull by the horns. Is there any interference between me and my wife? Is there a hindrance in employment?

      The second hack – intuitively draw a spot of THESE HINDRANCES.

      The third hack – erase the painted stain of HINDANCES. If it is a pain or other physical symptom, we IMMEDIATELY feel the result – NO PAIN.

      Cool? Yeah!

      The method of «transpersonal drawing» easily fit into the most modern direction of psychology which is transpersonal psychology. I realized this at the first classes and only became more and more convinced while studying.

      For almost ten years, I have been using the «drawing» technique to help improve health, help in relationships, and career help – wherever I don’t. I do not use it only to the detriment and I do not bewitch or let in «voodoo». If asked, I do away with love spells and «bad spells».

      The method of intuitive drawing is so unusual that even in our advanced transpersonal group it seems strange and incomprehensible.

      «This cannot be true» everybody’s eyes say when the first meet with the method. Only practice convinces, it’s only a personal experience and only an obtained result to persuade.

      The first nine swallows from our transpersonal group completed the basic course of the «transpersonal pattern». I am glad!

      The youth will fly the flag of the transpersonal drawing.

      This book includes amazing examples from a personal ten-year practice. In the end there are several exercises of the initial course. The complete method is described in the textbooks «Extrasensory Drawing» and «Transpersonal Drawing».

      All the examples in this book are real. All the characters are real people who allowed me to write about them. The protagonist is the practice of transpersonal (extrasensory) drawing.

      The practice of drawing works surprisingly easily. On the webinars, from 10 to 30% of the participants immediately, in the first half hour, relieved the pain, smoothed out the wrinkles themselves.

      I KNOW: the practice of «Transpersonal Drawing» WORKS!

      I learned it from my own experience; this was confirmed by the feedback from those people, whom I helped. I firmly know that the practice works for ALL who have studied its principles and have practiced enough.

      Studying on the transpersonal psychology course of Vladimir Maikov added me energy and new ideas. I realized that we are not alone; behind us are modern science and the masters of the world process.

      The procedural approach of A. Mindell and the transpersonal NLP of R. Dilts and D. Delozier are completely compatible with the intuitive pattern.

      The procedural approach, and NLP-3, and body therapy become usable in practice.

      The energy approaches WORK!

      Here I am! Hello!

      How I became a transpersonal

      On the eve of the fiftieth anniversary, my life has tragically changed in one day. I lost everything. The old world collapsed. The brain boiled and was boiling for five years.

      I was saved by my wife and children. My friends saved me. They gave me support in this storm. I clung to the books, I clung to the ideals – it helped not to go crazy.

      In the third year of this nightmare, Yuri Vladimirovich Pilgrim appeared who revealed to me another world. I clung to this world. I began to read eagerly about this world, wonder that there was no limit. I got extra support. The support increased, grew, and formed as the huge new world – the world of the transpersonal approach. Transpersonal drawing (I called it differently in different years) became an integral part of the transpersonal approach.

      For almost two years I worked in the Help and Trust Center on the phone, helped remotely. I participated in live broadcasts. This experience, this plenty of unexpected questions made me a specialist.

      The time has come, I quit the help center. Since then I practice alone. All our masters from the first group can work independently. Everyone has extrasensory abilities, differently expressed. We help each other if necessary.

      I passed the selection and participated in the «The battle of Psychics» and received an interesting experience. Also I passed the psychic abilities testing personally from the legendary professor Mikhail Victorovich Vinogradov.

      – You have quite good psychic abilities, – the professor said. I passed the healing abilities test on the device «Prognosis». The result was «Positive dynamics». There was a complete absence of «blocked» meridional systems».

      I had years of individual practice, hundreds and thousands of different personal stories.

      The year of study at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis in the specialty «Transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy» strengthened my confidence in the correctness of the chosen path. Now I have a diploma of «Transpersonal Counseling and psychotherapy» in Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis.

      My platform keeps growing and developing. At school, at seminars I met wonderful people. We share revelations. We share experience. We help each other develop. Now nothing scares me.

      Thanks to all the great teachers: friends, colleagues, enemies.

      Read more in the books Fate at the Tip of the Pen and Fate at the Tip of the Pen. Love». These books are in electronic stores.

      The ways of the Lord are truly inscrutable.

      The Battle of extrasensory

      In the summer of 2013, I suggested to TNT to film the story on the theme «Controlling the Weather», and… I received an invitation to the casting of «The Battle of extrasensory».

      At the casting, I was shown a photo of a girl of about 35 years old.

      – What can you say about her?

      – She is not alive. – It is determined quite simply by energy ties.

      – You’re right. What happened to her? – the second question.

      I’m sorting through the options: an illness – no, a murder – no, an accident – yes.

      – She died in a car accident, – I answered, – a clear energy is visible.

      – Maybe she drowned? – Lyudmila, who conducted the casting, watched my drawing and added an option.

      – No, she didn’t drown, – I answer confidently.

      – She was hit by a car, – says Lyudmila.

      There were also questions: «Married – not married?», «How many children?»

      – We will let you СКАЧАТЬ