The Summer of Second Chances: The laugh-out-loud romantic comedy. Maddie Please
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Название: The Summer of Second Chances: The laugh-out-loud romantic comedy

Автор: Maddie Please

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Юмор: прочее


isbn: 9780008257125


СКАЧАТЬ of days after Ian had died, bringing me a cake and a casserole I couldn’t eat. They found me crying over a bundle of letters and final demands I had found in Ian’s study filed erroneously under ‘Expenses’.

      ‘I know you shouldn’t speak ill of the dead but Ian was a right sod to leave you with this to deal with. It’s a right dog’s breakfast. What the hell was he doing? This is serious, you need professional help,’ Greg had said, ‘this isn’t just a couple of quick phone calls. Is the house in both your names? This building society letter is only addressed to Ian.’

      I sat slumped over the table and thought for a moment, trying to remember. Never had I felt more stupid.

      ‘No, it isn’t. He already lived here when we met. He said it was better to keep it in his name, I don’t know why. Something to do with tax?’

      ‘That’s baloney, and if anything it makes it worse.’

      ‘Greg! Stop it!’ Jess said.

      ‘Well it’s true. I can’t dress it up. If these debts are real, and the house isn’t in your joint names, then the creditors will come after it.’

      ‘Come after me?’ I had a vision of more large men on the doorstep.

      ‘Come after the house. What’s it worth? Seven fifty? Eight?’

      ‘I suppose so.’

      ‘They’ll expect to sell it to recover their money then. There must be some equity in it.’

      ‘I had a phone call from the bank yesterday, talking about a mortgage. I didn’t think Ian had a mortgage. It was paid off. I thought it was paid off. Ian told me it was. He’d had some money when his grandfather died and then the business took off. He said everything was great.’

      ‘Not according to this.’ Greg waved a letter at me. ‘Ian must have re-mortgaged to release some equity. It’s not illegal.’

      ‘But he should have told Lottie!’ Jess said, indignant on my behalf. ‘I mean if I found out you were keeping stuff like this from me, I’d have your bloody nuts in a mangle.’

      Greg winced. ‘Yes, I bet you would. By the looks of things he’s in…sorry I mean he was in one hell of a mess. I would guess he did the worst thing possible, and that’s ignored the problem. I mean, we all hate HMRC but there are a lot of small local traders after their money here. I know this one.’ Greg waved a second letter at me. ‘He’s a good bloke, a plumber. He did our en suites, works like old stink. This sort of bad debt could take him under.’

      I pressed my hands to my mouth.

      ‘I want to do what’s right, even if it’s too late.’

      Greg paused and looked at me for a few moments before he cleared his throat and continued. ‘Are there any more letters like this?’

      ‘I don’t know. Probably.’

      ‘You need to find out. You’ve got to know exactly who you are dealing with and how much.’

      ‘What then?’

      He shuffled the letters into some sort of order.

      ‘Like I always say; when you’re going through Hell, keep going.’

      Greg had then taken me to see a friend of his who was a financial advisor. The reassuringly named John Strong who had looked at me from under his beetle brows and tapped a pencil against his chin.

      ‘The best tactics with financial issues are absolute clarity and prompt communication, particularly with the Inland Revenue, two things Mr Lovell didn’t employ.’

      Well that was true. I’d already spent an hour with Simon Bentham at the Nationality Bank and been told much the same thing.

      ‘Do you believe he had other reserves?’

      ‘You mean hidden bank accounts? I don’t know,’ I said, slumping back in my chair.

      I found the courage to voice my greatest fear.

      ‘Am I going to go to prison?’

      He smiled at me. ‘No, Miss Calder, put that from your mind. It’s obvious to me from the paperwork I have seen you were not a party to any sort of deception. If you were, then you were a pretty incompetent fraudster. Your signatures on the paperwork for the payday loans are poor forgeries. Possibly deliberately.’

      ‘Would Ian…’

      Again, the thoughtful tapping of his pencil on his chin before he answered me.

      ‘Quite possibly. Elements of this look fraudulent not just desperate bungling. Money siphoned off from the business and not declared. There is the unmistakable whiff of cash payments in several projects. I’m afraid he didn’t cover his tracks very well. And of course HMRC are the very last people you want to tangle with.’

      ‘No, he wasn’t very clever, was he?’ I whispered.

      The mystery of where hundreds of thousands of pounds had gone was only solved when a local bookmaker and the owner of a casino had added their bills to the growing heap on John Strong’s desk.

      Apart from some large holes in the company accounts that he had tried to cover up, Ian had been a compulsive and untalented gambler. He had fallen into the classic trap of trying to cover his losses with the ever-elusive big win. Sometimes he had won. The new carpet in his study was probably linked to a bet on the Brazilian Grand Prix. The last holiday we had in New York came after an unexpectedly successful night out in a casino. But ultimately, he had lost.

      At this point I moved from the classic early stage of ‘confused grief’ and moved on to ‘anger’. How could Ian have done this? How could I not have realised? Why didn’t he tell me? Could I have helped him? All those times when he had been quiet and distracted, I had assumed he was fretting over some kitchen plinths or concealed lighting. I hadn’t known Big Kev O’Callaghan from the Galaxy Casino was after him.

       CHAPTER 5

       Primrose – modest worth and silent admiration

      I’d always enjoyed painting and decorating, even the tedious bits like sanding down and glossing the woodwork. Ian hadn’t and so it was something I had mostly done alone. I began work on Holly Cottage that afternoon. I cleared the hallway, switched on Radio Devon so I could learn about the traffic jams I wasn’t caught in, and found some old clothes and trainers to wear. It was a lovely day so I opened all the windows too. The air was fresh and clear bringing with it the faint scent of newly mown grass. I began to feel quite peaceful and in control of things for once. Decorating was just as therapeutic as I remembered; the steady rhythm of the roller covering the old paint with new. I’d opened one of Greg’s huge tubs of trade white to use as an undercoat. If I was going to do this, I would do it properly, as though it was my own home.

      I think the previous paintwork had once been one of those ‘hints-of’ shades that only look interesting СКАЧАТЬ