The Magnificent Lovers. Жан-Батист Мольер
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СКАЧАТЬ from Anaxarchus that broken eggs and dead fish forebode ill luck.

      Ana. I observe one thing, that Clitidas would have nothing to say if he did not speak of me.

      Cli. It is because there are so many things that can be said of you that one can never say too much.

      Ana. You might choose some other subject of conversation, particularly since I have asked you to do so.

      Cli. How can I? Do you not say that destiny is stronger than everything? And if it is written in the stars that I shall speak of you, how can I resist my fate?

      Ana. With all the respect due to you, Madam, allow me to say that there is one thing in your court which it is sad to find there. It is that everybody takes the liberty of talking, and that the most honourable man is exposed to the scoffing of the first buffoon he meets.

      Cli. I thank you for the honour you do me.

      Ari. (to Anaxarchus). Why be put out by what he says?

      Cli. With all due respect to you, Madam, there is one thing which amazes me in astrology; it is that people who know the secrets of the gods, and who have such knowledge as to place themselves above all other men, should have need of paying court and of asking for anything.

      Ana. This is a paltry joke, and you should earn your money by giving your mistress wittier and better ones.

      Cli. Upon my word, I give what I have. You speak most comfortably about it; the trade of a buffoon is not like that of an astrologer. To tell lies well and to joke well are things altogether different, and it is far easier to deceive people than to make them laugh.

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