The Queen's Necklace. Dumas Alexandre
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Название: The Queen's Necklace

Автор: Dumas Alexandre

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ a constant light on them.

      The first was a well-known portrait of Henry III., King of France and Poland; a cap on his head, surmounting his long pale face and heavy eyes; a pointed beard, and a ruff round his neck.

      Under it was the inscription, traced in black letters, on a badly-gilded frame, "Henri de Valois."

      The other portrait, of which the gilding was newer, and the painting more fresh and recent, represented a young lady with black eyes, a straight nose, and rather compressed lips, who appeared crushed under a tower of hair and ribbons, to which the cap of Henry III. was in the proportion of a mole-hill to a pyramid.

      Under this portrait was inscribed, "Jeanne de Valois."

      Glance at the fireless hearth, at the faded curtains, and then turn towards a little oak table in the corner; for there, leaning on her elbow, and writing the addresses of some letters, sits the original of this portrait.

      A few steps off, in an attitude half curious, half respectful, stands a little old woman, apparently about sixty.

      "Jeanne de Valois," says the inscription; but if this lady be indeed a Valois, one wonders however the portrait of Henry III., the sybarite king, the great voluptuary, could support the sight of so much poverty in a person not only of his race, but bearing his name.

      In her person, however, this lady of the fifth story did no discredit to her portrait. She had white and delicate hands, which from time to time she rubbed together, as if to endeavor to put some warmth into them; her foot also, which was encased in a rather coquettish velvet slipper, was small and pretty.

      The wind whistled through all the old doors, and penetrated the crevices of the shaking windows; and the old servant kept glancing sadly towards the empty grate. Her lady continued her occupation, talking aloud as she did so.

      "Madame de Misery," she murmured; "first lady of the bedchamber to her majesty – I cannot expect more than six louis from her, for she has already given to me once." And she sighed. "Madame Patrick, lady's-maid to her majesty, two louis; M. d'Ormesson, an audience; M. de Calonne, some good advice, M. de Rohan, a visit; at least, we will try to induce him," said she, smiling at the thought. "Well, then, I think I may hope for eight louis within a week." Then, looking up, "Dame Clotilde," she said, "snuff this candle."

      The old woman did as she was bid, and then resumed her place. This kind of inquisition seemed to annoy the young lady, for she said, "Pray go and look if you cannot find the end of a wax candle for me; this tallow is odious."

      "There is none," replied the old woman.

      "But just look."


      "In the ante-chamber."

      "It is so cold there."

      "There is some one ringing," said the young lady.

      "Madame is mistaken," replied the obstinate old woman.

      "I thought I heard it, Dame Clotilde;" then, abandoning the attempt, she turned again to her calculations. "Eight louis! Three I owe for the rent, and five I have promised to M. de la Motte, to make him support his stay at Bar-sur-Aube. Pauvre diable, our marriage has not enriched him as yet – but patience;" and she smiled again, and looked at herself in the mirror that hung between the two portraits. "Well, then," she continued, "I still want one louis for going from Versailles to Paris and back again; living for a week, one louis; dress, and gifts to the porters of the houses where I go, four louis; but," said she, starting up, "some one is ringing!"

      "No, madame," replied the old woman. "It is below, on the next floor."

      "But I tell you it is not," said she angrily, as the bell rang yet louder.

      Even the old woman could deny it no longer; so she hobbled off to open the door, while her mistress rapidly cleared away all the papers, and seated herself on the sofa, assuming the air of a person humble and resigned, although suffering.

      It was, however, only her body that reposed; for her eyes, restless and unquiet, sought incessantly, first her mirror and then the door.

      At last it opened, and she heard a young and sweet voice saying, "Is it here that Madame la Comtesse de la Motte lives?"

      "Madame la Comtesse de la Motte Valois," replied Clotilde.

      "It is the same person, my good woman; is she at home?"

      "Yes, madame; she is too ill to go out."

      During this colloquy, the pretended invalid saw reflected in the glass the figure of a lady talking to Clotilde, unquestionably belonging to the higher ranks. She then saw her turn round, and say to some one behind, "We can go in – it is here."

      And the two ladies we have before seen asking the way prepared to enter the room.

      "Whom shall I announce to the countess?" said Clotilde.

      "Announce a Sister of Charity," said the elder lady.

      "From Paris?"

      "No; from Versailles."

      Clotilde entered the room, and the strangers followed her.

      Jeanne de Valois seemed to rise with difficulty from her seat to receive her visitors.

      Clotilde placed chairs for them, and then unwillingly withdrew.



      The first thought of Jeanne de la Motte was to examine the faces of her visitors, so as to gather what she could of their characters. The elder lady, who might have been, as we have said, about thirty-two years of age, was remarkably beautiful, although, at first sight, a great air of hauteur detracted slightly from the charm of her expression; her carriage was so proud, and her whole appearance so distingué that Jeanne could not doubt her nobility, even at a cursory glance.

      She, however, seemed purposely to place herself as far as possible from the light, so as to be little seen.

      Her companion appeared four or five years younger, and was not less beautiful. Her complexion was charming; her hair, drawn back from her temples, showed to advantage the perfect oval of her face; two large blue eyes, calm and serene; a well-formed mouth, indicating great frankness of disposition; a nose that rivaled the Venus de Medicis; such was the other face which presented itself to the gaze of Jeanne de Valois.

      She inquired gently to what happy circumstance she owed the honor of their visit.

      The elder lady signed to the younger, who thereupon said, "Madame, for I believe you are married – "

      "I have the honor to be the wife of M. le Comte de la Motte, an excellent gentleman."

      "Well, Madame la Comtesse, we are at the head of a charitable institution, and have heard concerning your condition things that interest us, and we consequently wished to have more precise details on the subject."

      "Mesdames," replied Jeanne, "you see there the portrait of Henry III., that is to say, of the brother of my grandfather, for I am truly of the race of Valois, as you have doubtless been told." And she waited for the next question, looking at her visitors with a sort of proud humility.

      "Madame," said the grave and sweet voice of the elder lady, СКАЧАТЬ