Dive Computers – Insights for Divers & Professionals. Wolfgang Wild
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Название: Dive Computers – Insights for Divers & Professionals

Автор: Wolfgang Wild

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 9783737506168


СКАЧАТЬ a prerequisite for that?

      From the mechanic-pneumatic one-tissue (!) Decometer in 1959 (USA) via the legendary EDGE (USA, 1983) and Deco-Brain (Switzerland, 1983/1985) to present-day models, the dive computer has come a long way – more than half a century.

      And the research which divers know as decompression theory is quite a bit older. If we take John Scott Haldane as “father” of all dive tables in 1908 this history extends well over one hundred years.

      All diver training associations still regard it important that divers learn in any way why and how our body tissues are being enriched by gases which constitute the gas mixture divers breathe under water. And it is also still regarded essential for divers to get to know and manage the tools that are designed to avoid problems from this absorption of gases which always takes place in us when we use a “self-contained under water breathing apparatus” (aka “scuba”) to seek adventure and recreation in our fascinating under water realm.

      Some diver training associations continue to proceed via the dive table, others have abandoned the tables completely, relying now fully on the dive computer and respective simulation programs for teaching divers the dive planning basics.

      In this eBook the reader will not be pestered with lengthy mathematical equations of numerous dive computer algorithms – these can be studied in a wealth of internet articles and specialized literature that partially meets scientific requirements.

      The intention of this eBook is rather to offer interested divers and diving professionals with pictures, illustrations, tables and charts deeper insights into the background and the potential of dive computers.

      This will include the understanding of dive tables and some underlying specifics of the decompression models of modern dive computers.

      The reader of this eBook can expect that the notorious STUP effect will be addressed – and that topics like ascent rate, ascent techniques and stop-depth are discussed is indispensable.

      How does the future of dive computers look like? More gadgetry at the wrist of the diver with miniature display sizes overloaded by supposedly important information? A different path is taken by the SDC (smartphone dive computer), which leverages the enormous processing power of modern smartphones and their reasonable display sizes. This eBook also takes a look at such developments.

      Finally a brief remark on the numerous sources referenced in this eBook: These are not only listed in the detailed bibliography but usually also directly in the text so that the reader is spared from frequently having to jump forward into the appendix and back into the text. And as many sources are publicly available in the internet the bibliography is providing corresponding links.

      The valued reader will easily realize that the topics discussed in this eBook are addressed to all divers and diving professionals of all diver training associations.

      Enjoy browsing through this eBook on your iphone, kindle, kobo, sony reader, tolino, tablet …

      2 – What exactly does “conservative” mean in diving?

      From the years in which divers had no alternative than using dive tables for their dive planning (because dive computers simply did not yet exist), older divers will remember the grandiose statement:

      Our xyz dive table is more conservative than others.

      Also dive computers and simulation programs for PC and/or tablet put forward that claim. What is suggested with such a claim or promised to divers?

      Dive Tables – the STUP effect

      A former both popular and trivial comparison of dive tables looked like this:

      Take several dive tables, note their no-decompression limits in a graph – and without further ado the table with the shortest no-decompression times for certain depths was entitled to be the “safest” table, because this one obviously was the “most conservative”.

      The following tables for air just serve as examples; the first three of them are dive tables which are or used to be popular in German speaking Europe.

      Notes: “VDST” means “Verband Deutscher Sporttaucher”, which is the German CMAS federation branch; University Zurich [correctly spelled Zuerich with u-umlaut] refers to the hyperbaric chamber in the capital of Switzerland that Albert Buhlmann [correctly spelled Buehlmann with u-umlaut] used for developing his famous ZH-L algorithm which is discussed later in this eBook.

      [Note for eBook readers with a device which cannot display colors: The upper broken line depicts the Deko '92 table, the lower dotted line shows the US Navy tables.]

      The graph shows us the dive table with the most conservative values – correct?

      Not really. There is another dive table with significantly shorter no-decompression times and no-decompression limits:

      [Note for eBook readers with a device which cannot display colors: The upper unbroken line (green) shows the STUP effect.]

      The reader will ask himself with good reason: From which dive table does this green line originate? Well, honestly spoken, from no dive table available on the market. But this table can be “produced” easily and quickly: Just take a pen, place above the former most “conservative” line some points and connect these. And – lo and behold – you have generated a safer because more conservative “dive table”. (Using EXCEL this is a matter of seconds ...)

      Question: Is there perhaps even an enhancement of this awfully economic developing procedure?

      Answer: Yes. The STUP principle – Stay Up. Because for divers it is of course safest not to go diving, staying at the surface or even better at home instead; this has the advantage of sparing all the grappling with dive equipment and avoiding the uncertainty of potentially being hit by decompression sickness (DCS).

      Note: Actually even at home you can not be sure not to get hit by DCS. Raymond Rogers has pointed to that chance when criticizing a popular mathematical equation used by many decompression scientists that time; Rogers concluded that if this equation was valid an unlimited no-decompression limit could only be found to be “a fraction of a foot deep”:

      “This would imply that if you lay in your half-filled bathtub long enough, you’d get decompression sickness when you stood up!”

      Source: Rogers, Raymond, Renovating Haldane, The Undersea Journal, Third Quarter 1988, p. 17

      The reader and enthusiastic diver will understand how this hint by Rogers is meant (animated, winking smileys unfortunately don’t show well in eBooks …). And smiling while reading this eBook is explicitly allowed.

      So, this approach is of course not the way to seriously discuss the topic “conservative” no-decompression times.

      If we really want to be able to test the “performance” of СКАЧАТЬ