Summer Food - 600 Delicious Recipes For Hungry Party Guest. Jill Jacobsen
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Название: Summer Food - 600 Delicious Recipes For Hungry Party Guest

Автор: Jill Jacobsen

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 9783748506904



      15 slices of pumpernickel Party

      The preparation sequence

      Tuna mince underwater washing and in very fine dice. Peel garlic and shallots, chop into very fine cubes and put each half for tuna. 2 teaspoons oil admit with 1 teaspoon lime juice, salt and pepper to taste. 5 chives in very thin rings and chop give half to the Tatar.

      Clean for the Salsa tomato in water, clean, shred into four pieces and remove seeds. Shred flesh into small cubes. Miscellaneous garlic and shallots with 1 teaspoon oil, lime juice and chopped chives übrigem mix. Diced tomatoes, 1 teaspoon up to give to the salsa.

      Lime peel so that the white skin is completely removed. Detach fillets with a sharp knife between the separating skins and give up a few for decoration, for salsa. Season with salt and pepper.

      Tatar havoc on pumpernickel and bring to the table. Garnish with diced tomatoes, lime and chive stalks fillets. Fill salsa in a bowl and serve at the Pumpernickel canapes on the plate and bring to the table.

      Ingredients for 20 pieces

      250 milliliters of milk

      50 grams of butter (or margarine)

      150 grams of polenta (cornmeal)

      2 rump steak (so to the. 180 grams)

      Salt and freshly ground pepper

      1 tablespoon oil

      6-7 stalks of thyme

      4 garlic cloves

      200 grams of whole milk yogurt

      6 cherry tomatoes


      The preparation sequence

      Heat milk, 250 milliliters of water, 1 teaspoon of salt and 50 grams of fat once. Polenta Stir and let soak for 10 minutes. Let Still hot to 1/3 of a lined with baking paper baking tray ready for cutting (32 x 39 cm) and emphasize cool.

      Clean meat in water, pat dry and season with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a frying pan, flesh so to the fact that. Sauté 5 minutes. Thyme in clean water, pat dry and coarse plucking. Turn meat, 1 teaspoon thyme and fry for another 5 minutes. Remove the meat, wrap in aluminum foil and let it rest.

      Meanwhile peel garlic, mince 1 clove into thin slices, chop remaining very fine. Give chopped garlic to the yogurt, mix and season with salt and pepper.

      Clean cherry tomatoes in water, up to 1-2 for decoration, chop in each 6 columns. (As to the. 5 cm diameter) cut out from the polenta 20 circles. Mince meat into thin slices and arrange on the polenta thalers and bring to the table. Depending give 1/2 teaspoon garlic dip the slices of meat, garnish with tomato and thyme column tips.

      Others cherry tomatoes crosswise cut deep, squeeze slightly at the bottom. Polenta and cherry tomatoes on a platter, and bring to the table. Yoghurt garnish with garlic slices, cherry tomatoes and thyme columns.

      Ingredients for 13 pieces

      1 package (270 grams) fresh butter puff pastry (ready to bake rolled rectangular Finish blank parchment paper so the. 42 x 24 cm)

      1 egg yolk (Size M)

      1 clove garlic

      1 avocado (so to the. 200 grams)

      2 teaspoon citrus juice

      1 tablespoon oil

      2 tablespoons whole milk yogurt

      2 teaspoons wasabi (glass)

      Salt and freshly ground pepper

      1 pinch of sugar

      1 small bunch of arugula

      125 grams of smoked salmon

      5-6 tablespoons soy sauce

      The preparation sequence

      Puff take 5-10 minutes prior to processing from the refrigerator and let it rest. Unroll dough on the finished blank parchment paper, long-thirds and shred into strips 9 each. 13 strips thin brush with water and with 1 strip show (1 strip is left, possibly mitverarbeiten).

      Whisk egg yolks and 2 tablespoons of water. Dough thus Brush and place on a lined finish cutting baking paper cake baking sheet. In the heated, preheated oven Electric stove: 200 ° C / with convection: 175 ° C / gas in: let knob to position 3) bake, remove and let cool 8-10 minutes brown.

      Peel and chop garlic. Chop avocado in half, detach core, peel peel from the pulp. Avocado, garlic, citrus juice and oil purée. Yogurt and wasabi with stirring. Season with salt, pepper and sugar.

      Clean arugula, let underwater wash and dry. Salmon into strips crush. Puff pastry slices with avocado cream Brush and cover with arugula and salmon. Puff pastry slices and serve with soy sauce before serving a few drops on it.

      Serves 4 meals

      1 small onion

      1 tablespoon flour

      2 tablespoons olive oil

      1 pinch of salt

      4 slices bacon (bacon)

      4 small slices of olive bread or farmer

      8 pickled sardines in olive oil

      The preparation sequence

      Onion peel and chop into thin rings. In flour and fry in hot olive oil ausfertigbacken golden yellow. Season with salt seasoning, let dry thoroughly on paper towels. Bacon crispy fry in frying fat.

      Also let dry. Then fry the slices of bread in the frying fat per page crispy. Slices of bread with 1 slice of bacon, 2 sardines and some fried onions prove. If desired, with a little pesto a few splashes on it.

      Serves 4 meals

      1 stalk celery

      1 small apple

      1 tablespoon citrus juice

      1 bunch of chives

      200 grams Mayonnaise

      1-2 teaspoons curry powder

      Salt and freshly ground pepper

      1 СКАЧАТЬ